Donzi Art Academy
Learning to paint is a bit like putting the pieces of a puzzle together.
First you gather knowledge.
Then you implement what you have learned.
Next you learn to assess your results and learn from them.
Then you adjust and refine your approach.
And you repeat this process and gradually you nudge yourself in the right direction heading further along the path towards the vision you have for your art.
It’s like building blocks that you put together.
Key skills to acquire:
– Observation skills
– Assessment and placement of big shapes
– Composition and Design
– Brushwork & Mark Making
– Values and their application
– Colour and Colour Mixing
– Edges
– Perspective both linear and aerial
– Realism to Abstraction level
– Artistry, Mystery and Poetry
It’s my great belief that learning these key skills requires you studying the knowledge, and then practising this knowledge through regular small studies.
Most of us want to start our art journey painting masterpieces, and skip the study and practice with small regular studies.
Can you imagine a concert pianist who only wanted to play at Carnegie Hall and skip the hours of daily practice running scales.
In Donzi Art Academy, a big part of our focus will be implementing regular small studies into our practise.
#drawing #painting
Donzi Art Academy
for kids and adults