International Nursery For Languages in nasr city
هشام لبيب، المنطقة الثامنة، مدينة نصر، محافظة القاهرة 4441595, Egypt02-22879436 - 02-22874205-01063710003
International Nursery For Languages in nasr city one of the best nurseries in nast city
* We are in the field since 1986.
* Our goal at I.N.L is to create a loving atmosphere similar to that of a child’s home.
* Our children will be taught by capable hands and loving hearts under the leadership of our teachers
Located in:
Nasr City Branch:
63 Hisham Labib street, Nasr City – Cairo, Egypt.
Rehab Branch: Villas group, Villa 21/3
Hours: ** Early morning service starting from 7:30 am
** Nursery’s main hours from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
** Late Service till 5:00 pm and 6:00 pm.
About :
International Nursery welcomes children aged from 3 months to 6 years of age and it is the ideal start to child’s influential early years and first experience of school life. We are in the field since 1986. _____________________________________________
The International Nursery is family owned and managed by Professor Dr. Nadia Roushdy (P.H.D in child development). ——————————————————————-
We have a limited number of places available at INL ensuring that your child receives substantial teacher attention time. All of our staff are fully qualified and experienced and share our philosophy of providing a stimulating, challenging yet fun learning environment. We hold regular staff meetings to discuss ideas, problems or plans and consider the children’s interests and progress as our primary goal.
Our nursery is bilingual in English and French . Our teachers are fully qualified and trained to appreciate the need for structured learning coupled with interactive play. Classes will be in English but Arabic will be used at times and also given as a formal lesson.
ًًًWe Provide:
* Three well balanced meals.
* Medical care (weekly and on call paediatrician).
* Transportation Service.
* Toys Hall
* Joyful playground
* Swimming pool
* Spacious well ventilated classrooms
* English & French (Learn & Play)
* Swimming
* Drama Class
* Music & Singing Class
* Fine motor skills activities
* Gross motor skills activities
* Art handcraft
* Field trips
* Birthday parties
* Show & tell
* Fun & science experiments
* Story telling
* Cooking class
* Babies Section
– We accept special needs children on a case-by-case basis.
– Summer school, winter break & after school program
– Accepting children from age og 3 months to school age.
Nasr City Branch
02-22879436 – 02-22874205-0106 3710003
Rehab Branch
02-26926142 – 0102 3331625